You can make

a difference in the life of a child.

Join the Largest community adopting children from foster care

Heart Gallery

How to Become a Foster Parent

Many foster parents and families serve many children over several years because they find the experience meaningful and rewarding
These children will grow up to be Florida's next generation of employees, leaders and parents, and as a foster parent you can help them succeed. If you want to be a part of helping them become productive, thriving members of our communities – and enhance your and your family’s life in the process – please send an inquiry form to the Heart Gallery of Sarasota:

Qualifications to Foster

The support of a caring foster parent can change the life of a child. If you can provide love and stability, you are a perfect candidate. Knowing that reunification with biological parents is the goal, you will be giving a child a head start in life.

At a minimum a foster parent must:

Attend an Information

Learn about foster parenting from professionals who will give an overview of the child welfare system and the supports available to foster parents. You will find answers to your questions and feel more confident moving forward in your fostering journey. Meetings are a no pressure environment where the goal is to inform and assist.

Complete a Family Profile

At the end of the foster information meeting, you will be offered a family profile packet to take home and fill out. Licensing staff will review the packet and consider you for our training class.


Foster parenting classes are by invitation to those who have attended an information meeting and submitted their family profile packet. Classes occur one weeknight per week for 3 hours for 8 weeks. We also offer a Saturday class option which runs 6 hour for 4 weeks.


Working with a Licensing Specialist, families will submit the required licensing documents, complete their background screening and home assessment. Upon approval from Florida Department of Children and Families, you can begin accepting child placements in your newly licensed foster home.